Throw Back Thursday Book Review

Just under a year ago I read How to Raise a Wild Child by Scott D. Sampson. It’s really what initially got me thinking about Mama’s Forest School and what my children really need in life – and what I really need in life. I wrote a review of this truly wonderful book last June on a…

Fresh Air Every Day Keeps the Doctor Away

It was warm and sunny this morning. As I was getting myself and the kids ready for the day I kept looking out the windows, wishing for more time to play outside. It occurred to me as I finished up my breakfast, that the fact we only had fifteen minutes or so before we had…

Disaster Averted…Barely

Today was one of those days. There was a bad mood I couldn’t shake. The kids were cranky, vacillating between overtired and hangry, with seemingly little in between. We grumpily tramped into the woods, my hope being we’d all feel better after digging around in the dirt, climbing around on rocks and fallen trees, and…

The Last Day

Most of today was spent getting ready for a new week, one that sends us back into our usual routine. While I was mostly caught up in doing work for grad school and getting things squared away for work, I spent a little time thinking about how much this week has meant to me. Our…


April vacation is winding down. After today we just have the weekend and then it’s back to the grind of work and school (Little M. is really the only lucky one in this equation; he gets to spend a couple of days of his week with his lovely, play-based, Waldorf-inspired, guru Lori (I just can’t…